[ o.k. ] ... [ 正在下载配置,请耐心等待完成。 ]
W: Failed to fetch http://repo.huaweicloud.com/ubuntu-ports/dists/focal/InRelease Temporary failure resolving 'repo.huaweicloud.com'
W: Failed to fetch http://repo.huaweicloud.com/ubuntu-ports/dists/focal-updates/InRelease Temporary failure resolving 'repo.huaweicloud.com'
W: Failed to fetch http://repo.huaweicloud.com/ubuntu-ports/dists/focal-backports/InRelease Temporary failure resolving 'repo.huaweicloud.com'
W: Failed to fetch http://repo.huaweicloud.com/ubuntu-ports/dists/focal-security/InRelease Temporary failure resolving 'repo.huaweicloud.com'
W: Some index files failed to download. They have been ignored, or old ones used instead.
E: Package 'apt-utils' has no installation candidate
[ o.k. ] ... [ 在线安装 docker 请耐心等待完成。 ]